Anime series in-remake, of course, become targets of game manufacturers. Second time for DS Namco Bandai gives Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butoden which is a direct adaptation. Games that have been released in Japan this past February 3 uses the 3D fighting genre. With the ability of DS, it seems a bit forced yah! Considering the first game adaptation, the Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans , released November 2009 action adventure genre, it is more fitting to Kai second game brought the genre of fighting .
I like Kai first, because it combines elements of adventure and a bit of fighting that simple. Well, because the latter pure fighting , as implied by the subtitle "butoden," developers create different battle system prekuelnya. Control Ultimate Butouden simple. The character will automatically attack weak even though you are not ordered. You can also launch a super attack by shouting in the direction of the microphone DS.
Its defense system called "Neutral Guard." Your character automatically persist when the enemy attack, and you do not press any buttons. Unfortunately, only weak to withstand attacks. You also can press B to dodge powerful attacks and throws an attack, but the defense of "B" is not valid for weak attacks, now you know!
Beyond the standard attacks, special attacks you can activate by entering a key combination, or Dragon Ball touching icons on the touch screen. Bottom screen is also used to put a button to increase the level of "Ki" character. Ki will be reduced when the launch specials.
If you are curious about the roster character reaches 52 characters, following them you can play. The most striking character and the main selling at the bottom:
- Goku
- SSJ Goku
- SSJ2 Goku
- SSJ3 Goku
- Kid Gohan
- Teen Gohan
- SSJ Teen Gohan
- SSJ2 Teen Gohan
- Gohan
- SSJ Gohan
- Vegeta
- SSJ Vegeta
- SSJ2 Vegeta
- SSJ2 Majin Vegeta
- SSJ gogeta
- SSJ Vegetto
- Future Trunks
- SSJ Future Trunks
- SSJ3 Gotenks
- Goten
- SSJ Goten
- Trunks
- SSJ Trunks
- Bardock
- Broly
- Krillin
- Piccolo
- Yamcha
- Tenshinhan
- Chaozu
- Videl
- Raditz
- Nappa
- Dodoria
- Gurdo
- Ginyu
- Zaabon
- Recoom
- Freeza
- Mecha Freeza
- Android 16
- Android 17
- Android 18
- Android 20
- Perfect Cell
- Fat Buu
- Super Buu
- Kid Buu
- Mr.Satan
- King Kai
If you buy the original version, you will get a bonus item is printed cards Vegeta limited. Unfortunately, the card can only be used in conjunction with a collectible card-based arcade game Dragon Ball Heroes, which also is only in Japan.
To use special moves, is easy enough. You simply press / touch on the touchscreen movement if you want your characters special move bar is full. However, you can still post a series of buttons to issue special moves, so depending on taste alone.
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